Saturday, January 26, 2008

CISCO Router - 22/1/08 (Selasa)

1 device utk mhubkn 2 network segment yg berbeza.

Cara berfungsi :
· Router akn extract paket yg diterima kpd destinasinya (destinasi ttentu kpd tuan punya paket).
· Akn memilih laluan terbaik bg paket & 4ward paket tsbt di spjng laluan yg dah dipilih.
· Terima, control, select de path & pilih de best router atr 2 network wlpun terdpt byk network.

Definition router

A device that routes data between networks using IP addressing. Routers provide firewall security.

A device or setup that finds the best route between any two networks, even if there are several networks to traverse. Like bridges, remote sites can be connected using routers over dedicated or switched lines to create WANs.

The hardware or software that handles connection between networks online. In other words, it tells your computer where to go.

A router is a computer networking device that buffers and forwards data packets across an internetwork toward their destinations, through a process known as routing. Routing occurs at layer 3 (the Network layer e.g. IP) of the OSI seven-layer protocol stack.

A network device that transmits message packets, routing them over the best route available at the time. Routers are used to connect multiple network segments, including those based on differing architectures and protocols.

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